We offer FREE shipping for countries we support delivery. Our products are all tax-included, customers do not need to pay additional VAT and customs taxes. Once an order leaves our warehouse, it is the responsibility of the delivery provider to ensure timely delivery. lf you experience any delay, please contact us via our Contact us page.
The following countries that we currently support delivery to are:
United Arab Emirates, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Singapore, United States.
Please note that the shipping times for countries and product may vary and are subject to change.Current shipping options and estimated delivery times are as follows:
We ship to the US via Fedex, ship to UK via DPD, ship to European countries via DHL.
Free Tracked & insured shipping:
USA (5-7 Days) - FREE
UK (5-7 Days) - FREE
CA (5-7 Days) - FREE
EU (5-7 Days) - FREE
AU (5-7 Days) - FREE
ASIA(5-7 Days) - FREE
US orders are shipped from our warehouse in Los Angeles, USA, UK orders are shipped from our warehouse in Birmingham, UK, and European orders are shipped from our warehouse in Hamburg, Germany.
Warehouse Address
C/O 1521 E Francis St,Suite B,
C/O Jupiter,Unit 1 Watling Street,
Kingswood Lakeside,
WS11 1SL, UK
C/O Montel-Allee 3
North Rhine-Westphalia
We aim to handling and ship orders out within 1-3 days(72 hours) because of extremely high demand. please be patient with us while we send you tracking details. shipping times above are working/business days. Orders placed on weekends will be processed on the next working day.
Tracking your order:
You will receive a confirmation email and/or text message, if you provided a mobile phone number, containing a tracking ID and a link to follow the journey of your package. To track your package you can visit our Tracking Page.
Please allow 1 to 3 business days for the tracking information to show.
Wrong address disclaimer:
It is the responsibility of the buyer to make sure that the shipping address entered is correct. We do our best to speed up processing and shipping time, so there is always a small window to correct an incorrect shipping address. Please contact us immediately at service1@icedracon.club if you believe you have provided an incorrect shipping address.
By placing an order on Ice Dragon Store, except item damaged, you are responsible for the cost of return shipping back to our store. Please do not return the product to the original mailing address. Once the return process is confirmed, we will send you the return address.
Lost/Stolen Packages:
We are not responsible for lost or stolen packages. If your tracking information states that your package was delivered to your address and you have not received it please report it to your respective shipping carrier at the information provided to you on our Tracking Page. If you have any further questions on how to do this please reach out to our customer support team at service1@icedracon.club.