An ice bath is a type of passive-active recovery that athletes use for sore muscle relief. You can use the ice dragon chiller & tub to enjoy the wellness of ice bath.Read on to learn about the potential benefits of incorporating cold-water immersion into your wellness routine.

Benefits of Ice Baths

  1. Potentially reducing muscle soreness: Proponents of post-workout ice baths laud the cold water’s ability to relieve sore muscles and speed up recovery between intense workouts. When you immerse yourself in an ice bath, the cold exposure causes your blood vessels to constrict. These vessels rapidly dilate when removed from the cold water, potentially easing delayed-onset muscle pain by flushing out metabolic waste products and increasing blood flow.
  2. Possibly improving sleep: Ice baths may improve sleep, which, in turn, strengthens the central nervous system. Better sleep and a strong nervous system reduce fatigue, strengthen your immune system, and improve mental health. Learn more tips for getting better sleep.
  3. Potentially helping with stress management: Improved stress management is another potential benefit of cold-water immersion. Short-term exposure to cold temperatures may improve the mind’s ability to withstand discomfort and cope better with stressful environmental changes. The ritual also develops your breathing, as deep breathing is vital to withstanding the discomfort of cold-water therapy.
  4. Cooling you down: Like a cold shower, taking ice baths during heat waves or on humid days can help cool the body. Some scientific studies found evidence that taking a cold bath can relieve an overheating body, a condition known as hyperthermia, by reducing body temperature.

How to take safe Ice Bath

  1. Stage your post-bath clothing. After your ice bath, you’ll need to dry off and get into warm clothes to bring your body temperature up. Stage your post-bath clothes in the bathroom before you enter the bath so you can access them quickly.
  2. Don the proper attire. You’ll need to wear clothing, like shorts and a T-shirt, during your ice bath to protect your skin. Some people also choose to wear a sweatshirt and booties to keep their torso and toes warm.
  3. Set an alarm (optional). You can set the alarm on your phone to ensure that you do not stay in the ice bath for longer than fifteen minutes, which is the maximum recommended length of time for this form of cryotherapy.
  4. Warm up. Hydrate: Make sure you're well hydrated before getting into the ice bath. This will help your body better regulate your temperature and keep you from getting too cold too quickly. Stretch: Spend some time stretching before getting into the ice bath. This will help loosen up your muscles and improve circulation.
  5. Soak in the ice bath for up to fifteen minutes. Once you’ve adjusted to the water, briefly submerge parts of your upper body. Consider meditating to take your mind off the extreme temperature drop. Soak for up to fifteen minutes. Ice bathing for longer than fifteen minutes increases your risk of hypothermia and frostbite.

Post-exercise ice baths are not without risk. If done incorrectly, this practice can lead to intense discomfort, hypothermia, and even shock. People with high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes should consult a doctor before participating in this form of cold therapy.

Additionally, avoid ice baths if you are new to working out or getting back in shape after some time off.

Hope these can help you understand ice bathing and explore health and wellness with ice dragon.