Saunas have gained popularity over time for weight loss. Besides possibly shedding pounds, they may come with other potential health benefits. So, let’s dive into this sauna world. Let’s look at the science behind it, potential risks, and how to incorporate sauna sessions into your weight loss route.

How does a steam sauna work?

Steam sauna, also known as Turkish bath, provide a different experience. Heat is generated by boiling water to create a steam-filled humid space. Despite lower temperatures than dry heat saunas, steam rooms have 100% humidity. This means users get a wet heat session.

How sauna help with weight loss?

One reason why saunas may appear to aid in weight loss lies in quick water weight reduction through sweating. When you’re in a sauna, your body’s temperature goes up, and you start to sweat. The sweating process may lead to a short-term loss of water weight as your body loses fluids. But note that this type of weight loss is short-lived. You regain the water weight as soon as you hydrate after your sauna sessions. 

Being aware of dehydration signs can help you know when you need to leave the sauna and take in fluids. Common signs include dry mouth, extreme thirst, and feeling woozy. If you experience these symptoms in a sauna, leave right away and drink fluids. To prevent dehydration, limit sauna use to 15-20 minutes at a time. Also, keep yourself well-hydrated throughout the day.

Saunas may help with weight loss by raising your heart rate. In high temperatures, your heart works harder to pump blood and keep your body’s core temperature steady. This increase in heart rate is similar to what happens during moderate physical activity. So, spending time in a sauna may potentially lead to a Besides potentially burning calories and shedding water weight, studies show saunas may improve lipid profiles and metabolism for some users.

More research is needed to support this, but bear in mind that using a sauna alone likely won’t lead to significant long-term weight loss. You must pair it with healthy eating and exercise habits in your day-to-day life. slightly higher calorie burn compared to being at rest.